About Us » Frequently Asked Questions

Frequently Asked Questions

Southwest Tech is committed to career and technical education - we seek to provide learning opportunities that students will apply directly in their future education and careers. Learning is project-based and hands-on. Students use state-of-the-art equipment and work with teachers who are experts in their fields.
Southwest Tech helps students to meet graduation requirements through embedded academic credit and applied academic classes. Discuss your specific needs with your school guidance counselor or Southwest Tech Guidance. Usually, when there's a will, there's a way!

YES!!! Many of our graduates go on to further education, and many of our programs are designed to prepare students to succeed in college-level training. - Articulation agreements with several colleges (agreements to accept and or give credit to students who complete training programs). Career planning, guidance services, jobs, training, education, adult education

  • An opportunity to "try out" an area of study
  • Interesting and unique experiences that make our students stand out in the crowd.
  • Skills and industry certifications that can help you find good-paying jobs while in school and after you graduate
Sending schools will arrange transportation for students attending classes at Southwest Tech.
Southwest Tech technical programs provide in-depth education and training in a student's field of study. Students who complete programs earn certificates that identify the competencies that they have met.
Not every program will be a good match for every student. We want our students to be successful; therefore, we take the time to consider a student's interest and likelihood of success before accepting them into a program.
The best way to find out is to visit the center. Tour the facility and talk to the students and teachers in the programs that interest you. Contact Southwest Tech Guidance to arrange a visit!

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