Graphic Arts
The Graphic Arts Program teaches visual communication through project-based learning. Students gain experience in design fundamentals, Adobe software, and client relations, preparing for careers in graphic and digital design.
Potential Career Paths
- Graphic Designer
- UI/UX Designer
- Art Director/Producer
Industry Recognized Credentials
- Adobe Certified Professional: Photoshop, Illustrator and InDesign
Embedded High School Credits
- Year 1: 1 art credit, ½ technology credit, 2 ½ elective credit
- Year 2: 1 math credit, 3 elective credits
Opportunities for College Credit
- 3 credits: Introduction to Adobe Creative Cloud through Community College of Vermont
- 3 credits: Graphic Design 1 through Community College of Vermont
- 3 credits: Typography through Community College of Vermont
- 3 credits: Graphic Arts 2 through Community College of Vermont
- Articulation agreement available with Keene State College